What's New At CPCNA?
Mahoganie Hines

Mahoganie volunteers her time to act as the Registered Nurses Association of Ontario’s (RNAO) Policy and Political Action ENO for the Palliative Care Nurse’s Interest Group for the past 4+ years and is currently the Interim President. She has sat on the inaugural executive board of the Canadian Palliative Care Nursing Association as the Secretary/Treasurer and is now stepping into the President- elect role. She has recently stepped into the Past Chair role for the Palliative Care Consultants Network (of Ontario). She currently is working as a Registered Nurse, full time, as a Palliative Pain and Symptom Management Consultant throughout the Niagara Region and has worked bedside casually in both Niagara’s local hospices.
She has sat on the expert panel of the RNAO’s Best Practice Guideline’s committee for the current BPG: End of Life in the last 12 months: Adults with life-limiting and progressive illness (2020). She has also spoken at Queen’s Park about the need for equity and accessibility for all to receive excellent Palliative Care through the development of the Compassionate Care Act, in December 2020 reached royal assent and became law. Finally, she has been honoured with several awards for her practice: Niagara’s 40 under 40 (2020), Nursing Now Ontario award for the RN category 2021, RNAO Leadership award in Political Action 2021 and Dorothy Monteith Scholarship (2022). She is also working on her Masters of Health Science in Bioethics. When she is not working, she also has volunteered her time at the St. Catharines CTS site and as a roller derby referee for the Niagara Roller Derby League.