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Board Nomination

The Canadian Palliative Care Nursing Association Needs You! 


Do you share our vision for Canadian palliative care nursing? A desire to assist with the advancement of palliative care nursing in Canada? Do you have an interest in sharing or developing your leadership skills with a supportive team? If so, join us! Become a CPCNA Board member! 


The CPCNA Board of Directors is comprised of palliative nurse leaders from across Canada including clinicians, educators, researchers and administrators representing diverse practice settings and interests. 


Nominations are now being accepted for the 2022 – 2024 CPCNA Board of Directors


This is an exciting opportunity to work with motivated individuals in a strategic way to advance palliative care nursing in Canada.


Available Positions (for 2022-2024):


 Director of Communications

 Director of Education

 Director of Membership

 Director of Professional Practice

 Director of Research











Important Details: 

  • The Nominee must be current member of the CPCNA. ​

  • The Nominator can be a Member of the CPCNA but not required

    • If the nominator is NOT a Member of CPCNA, they will need to provide an additional Letter of Support. Details on Nomination Form. ​

  • Each Board member serves for a 2 year term and may extend their service for an additional two years.

  • The time commitment for most positions is about 2 hours per week, and approximately 2 hours to prepare for and attend a monthly board meeting.

  • When you are nominating a member, it is necessary to get the permission of your nominee prior to submitting his/her name. They must consent to their picture being posted on the CPCNA website. 

  • The nominee does not have to be present at the AGM to be elected. This will provide all of our members an equal opportunity to seek a position on the board. ​

  • A Nomination Form must be completed for each nomination. The information you provide will assist the nominating chairperson to present the nominee to the membership for election at the Annual General Meeting.

  • For information on the position responsibilities, please view the  Board Position Descriptions on the Members Only Page.  


To nominate a colleague:

  • Please complete your Nomination Form electronically and click "submit". 

  • Send the required supporting documents and a photo of the nominee by email to

  • Ensure the subject line includes: "Board Nominations".

  • All nominations must be received by March 1, 2022.


Questions can be sent to


Thank you for your continuing support and interest in the CPCNA.



Julia Johnston RN-EC, MN, CHPCN(C)

CPCNA Executive Advisor and Chair of Nominating Committee

On behalf of the CPCNA Board of Directors
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