What's New At CPCNA
Membership: Join or Renew!
CPCNA's 2025 Membership Drive begins November 15, 2025. Join on or after November 15 and receive the remainder of 2024 for Free!
Those who join before January 31, 2025 will have their name submitted for a chance to win a FREE 2026 Membership (to be drawn at the 2025 AGM)
Click HERE to renew or join
Member Benefits:
remain current on what is happening in palliative care in Canada
register FREE for select CPCNA education webinars (usually $40 per webinar)
enjoy the members-only areas of the website, including articles and past webinars
access member-only events including book club, ethics café, focus groups and more
participate in activities through the Palliative Care and Nursing Ethics Hub, Centre for Research on Health and Nursing, University of Ottawa
be a voice for advocacy and excellence in palliative care
build national connections
find support and resources to assist with Hospice Palliative Care Nursing Certification through CNA
explore opportunities to contribute to the work of CPCNA
Annual Membership: (January to December)
Full Nurse Membership - $100 (open to all nurses - RN, LPN/RPN, NP)
Non-Practicing Nurse Membership - $50 (nurses retired or not in active practice – non-voting)
Student Nurse Membership - $25 (students in entry to practice programs – non-voting)
CPCNA's position statement on Grief and Grief Literacy now posted!
Now Available: Canadian Best Practice Recommendations for the Topical Management of Malignant Cutaneous Wounds​
Fall 2023- CPCNA has created our first position statement-- informed by Members voices-- Medical Assistance in Dying and Nursing Care. Click here to read. And thank you to all who supported this work!
Please note:
New Members will need to create an account to access Member Only benefits
Renewing Members will have uninteruppted access if renewed by deadlines. If renewal deadline is missed, you will need to re-create your account
Select Webinars FREE ( minimum 6/year)
Non-members pay $40 to attend each event​
Webinar Recordings FREE to members only to view at your leisure
Members only events FREE- Journal club, book club and ethics cafe
Connections to research and best practice
Become a member of The Palliative Care and Nursing Ethics hub​
Participate in committee and support the work of CPCNA
Advocate for all to have access to palliative care
Build national connections
Build you knowledge and competencies in palliative care
Belong to a community of like-minded nurses
"How people die lives in the memories of those who live on."
CPCNA is a not-for-profit Association that is funded 100% by Membership Fees to support the work being done. Anyone wishing to donate to support CPCNA is encouraged to contact the President at cpcnapresident@gmail.com to discuss.
We do not have charitble status. A receipt may be issued but donations are not tax-deductible.